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How To Re-Architecture Your Legacy COBOL Applications to FlexGen Structured RAD

Most medium to large scale companies depend upon business-critical COBOL applications for their routine data processing.

Potential 'Millennium Bug' problems meant that these 'legacy' applications were re-visited with urgency before the turn of the century. However, the necessary use of temporary programming resources for that major 'one-off' compliance project, combined with immutable deadlines, meant that little else could be safely accomplished at that visit.

In particular, other pressing application development requirements had usually to go on the back burner, along with plans to move from the original but now time-consuming and expensive 3GL programming models to highly productive and dependable Structured RAD environments.

Successful development managers, having safely negotiated 'Millennium Bug' problems, can now deal with the key issue that these vital legacy COBOL applications now need to be moved into a truly efficient, cost-effective and dependable Structured RAD Architecture. Applications can then be enhanced and modernized, development productivity can be boosted, and the ongoing long term burden and cost of maintenance of these vital COBOL applications can be radically reduced —
But how?

FlexGen Structured RAD is the answer.


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